Use Case
Business Partner Registration

A bio-tech company needed to increase productivity and profitability by streamlining and accelerating their process for new business partners onboarding and registration. An essential feature of this new model would be an automatic alert sent to business partners to upload missing or outdated information into the partner registration platform.
Bio-tech and pharmaceutical companies must work with many partner companies to develop and deliver products to market. Maintaining current and accurate information on these partners in a secure environment is vital—and challenging. Most partner registration & management processes involve many time-intensive manual steps and multiple “touches” and thus many opportunities for error.
Using Mendix, Tresbu Digital’s experts created a master data governance application on iHub that allows users to invite, modify, and track business partners quickly and succinctly. The platform also allows organizations to facilitate payments and shipping information.
The new solution automates business partner registration using well-known tools such as email, avoiding excessive training time and accelerating completion time. The system also secures sensitive information such as GST number and bank details and provides simple status tracking to monitor the progress of business partner registrations. Overall, the platform has radically transformed the time and effort required for onboarding new business partners and their essential registration information.

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